Special Event

February 19: KBAC Non-Profit Spotlight, Kalamadoodle at Bell's,

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

6:30 - 8:30

This Kalamadoodle event will be at Bell’s Brewery. Proceeds from donations will go to the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center.

2017 Kalamadoodle event at the KBAC. The 2020 event will be at Bell’s Brewery

2017 Kalamadoodle event at the KBAC. The 2020 event will be at Bell’s Brewery

On Wednesday, February 19th, Kalamadoodle is ringing in 2020 with Bell's Eccentric Café for a night of drinks, drawing, and fun! There will be everything you need to draw like a kid again; but this time, with beer! Whether you're an amateur stick-figurer or an acclaimed artist, we want you to use your imagination, meet new people, and enjoy a delicious craft beer!

NON-PROFIT SPOTLIGHT - Suggested $5 Donation
For this event, we're honored to host and raise donations for the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center! The KBAC practices, teaches, and promotes the collaborative arts of the book: papermaking, printmaking, letterpress, bookbinding, and creative writing, through preserving and employing traditional technologies and combining them with contemporary ideas and techniques to reinvigorate the collaborative arts of the book.
All of the necessary supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite drawing utensil and friends.