Gallery Event

Book Arts in Venice 2012

September 7September 28, 2012

KBAC Gallery
Opening reception Sept. 7 during Art Hop, 6 to 9 p.m.

Book Arts in Venice 2012

During the summer of 2012 eleven students from WMU’s Frostic School of Art and Lee Honors College accompanied our director Jeff Abshear on a study abroad trip, Book Arts in Venice. They traveled to Italy to work at the Scuola di Grafica, a printmaking school in Venice, and Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione, a letterpress museum and studio in Cornuda, to produce a limited-edition handmade book. This exhibit will feature the student’s sketchbooks, photos, video, intaglio prints, copies of the completed letterpress book, and ephemera documenting their experiences in Italy.  See more photos.
